Virtual Receptionists
Business Phone Answering Service
Talk to an EXPERT
Sydney 02 8459 0088
Brisbane 07 3088 2988
Melbourne 03 9944 0888
Adelaide 08 7160 1188
Perth 08 6317 5288
Darwin 08 8919 4488
Canberra 02 6188 7160
Hobart 03 6281 3488
How It Works
We set your Trial up for Free. We clarify any questions & offer any help we can. We provide you a dedicated number
You forward your calls from your number or you can use the unique number we provide you as your business number
Your calls arrive. We answer in your company name, follow your instructions, make your appointments, you name it!
get your phones covered
Rated 4.9 on Google
Think of us as one of your team!
Our professional, fully trained, Australian based Virtual Receptionists work in small teams so that they really get to know your business and can help your clients.
Use us as your full-time Receptionist or when you need your phones covered. You can divert your Calls to us all the time or just when you need to. You control everything.
Our Virtual Reception Team will work to your rules when taking calls. We provide your callers with the information you ask us to and capture the information you need us to.
We will answer your phone calls in your company name. We can take messages. We can transfer calls to your mobile or any number. We can manage your diary and schedule appointments.
We specialise in Medical & Allied Health Professionals Appointment and Diary management. We work with the Diary you use today or can provide a free online Diary.
We can support your current Receptionist Team and make them more efficient dealing with face to face clients. We support Reception Teams of any size, Big or Small.
Benefits to You
Reduce Missed Calls. Improve Customer Experience. Win More Business
Recent studies suggest that up to 78% of people won’t leave a voicemail, if the phone is not answered, people simply hang up – no message. What happens when the phone is ringing and you can’t answer? Perhaps you are with a client? Maybe not there? Let it go to Voicemail? It might have been a new client.
What happens next? At best they leave a Voicemail, maybe they leave all the info you need as well. Perhaps they don’t leave a message and you have to make a “we just had a missed call from this number” calls, only to find out its someone trying to sell you telephone services? Do you spend what feels like half your day, if you have the spare time, playing telephone tag, calling customers back between appointments, leaving voicemails and then having them call back? Do you get hold of the caller only to find out they have booked elsewhere?
By replacing voicemail with a live telephone call answering service with our Virtual Reception Service you will instantly improve your callers’ experience, reduce or eliminate missed calls. Possibly win more business, a lot of our clients tell us they do!
Reduce Interruptions. More Efficient Use of Your Time. Get Things Done
We can Does it seem that every time you are trying to get things done you are interrupted by having to answer a phone call? Do you find every time you answer the phone your day starts to disappear? What about those annoying calls that just waste your time? Not answering the phone and hoping the caller leaves a voicemail is not an option. What happens if it is important? What happens if it is a new client?
A Your Phones Covered Australian Virtual Receptionist will Answer Your Calls, Take Your Messages, Transfer Calls, and Manage Your Diary. You have your calls screened and decisions made about what is the best action to take with the call, we make decisions based on what’s best for you followed by what’s best for the caller. Then, depending on your rules, messages are taken and emailed / SMSed to you, or you will get a call from your YPC Virtual Receptionist introducing the caller and why they are calling. If you want to take the call we transfer to you, if not we will go back to the caller, relay any message from you to the caller, and take a message which is emailed / SMSed to you. We can even manage Your Diary if required.
Eliminate Voicemail. Prioritise Your Messages. Get the Information You Need
Are you listening to too many voicemails? Replaying over and over again to get the number? Wading through long winded or unimportant messages to identify important messages? Are the callers missing key information in the voicemail? Do you know who or why they are calling? How can you prioritise who to call back first without listening to every message?
With a Virtual Receptionist Phone Answering Service from Your Phones Covered, your calls will be answered by a Professional Virtual Reception Team. Messages will be emailed / SMSed to you as soon as the calls finish. You can instantly see who has called, what they said and you can respond to important calls immediately. You can easily read and decide what actions you need to take – prioritise your call backs. No more Voicemails. No important calls missed. All your messages in one place.
Perfect for when you are in a meeting, trying to get work done, under pressure to hit deadlines, traveling, have your hands full, maybe even trying to have some time off!
Reduce Costs. Make Your Team More Productive. Improve Clients Experience
Hiring, training and managing Receptionists all takes time, effort, and money. Full-time, part-time, casual, permanent, holidays, sick days, Awards, Fairwork, workers comp, OHS – the complexities of employing in Australia cannot be ignored. It is a significant investment of both time and money to employ people in Australia. The real cost of hiring someone in Australia is close to $40 an hour.
A Virtual Receptionist Service can help a lot of these headaches can go away. By having our friendly and professional Virtual Receptionists answer your calls, you can maximise the return of your customer service spending. If you are a smaller business, you may not need a support person. If you are a bigger business, you can focus your people on assisting clients face to face and keeping all the never-ending admin tasks up to date.
We can also help with more than phone calls, talk to us about other admin tasks giving you headaches.
Less Stress. Better Work Life Balance. Freedom for You
Are you tied to the phone just in case it rings? Do you worry about taking time away from the business? Are you concerned about missing an important call? Maybe you have a deadline for a client and keep getting interrupted. Maybe you worry about missing new clients and new income. Sometimes you really do have your hands full, perhaps it’s a family occasion, an afternoon off or simply spending quality time with the people you love. Did anyone go into business to have less spare time or control of their life?
With a Virtual Receptionist answering calls, you can relax knowing that you won’t miss a thing. You don’t need to be answering calls on your mobile when taking a day off (unless you want to!!). You can update your Virtual Receptionist as often as you like to ensure that your clients’ expectations are always managed. We can even call people back for you!
Time and time again our clients tell us how wonderful it is to be able to relax knowing that their calls are being managed properly by one of our professional Virtual Receptionists.
Take control of your phone calls
Get Your Phones Covered
Virtual Receptionist Services
get your phones covered
Rated 4.9 on Google